Sunday, November 18, 2007

Empty Landscape

This is a work in progress. I ran out of cadmium yellow paint and the only red I have is Grumbacher Academy Acrylic cadmium red. It actually contains cadmium which is a carcinogen when inhaled. I have been buying Utrecht Artist Colors paint without cadmium and I may be paranoid, but I feel better about painting with it in the house. I also love the texture of the Utrecht paint and the Grumbacher paint seems rather thin.
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M said...

This looks wonderful. I really get the feeling of the texture of the landscape--is it English moors? Or the prairie? I'd like to see the piece in person.

Brooke said...

Thanks! It is African savanna. I was painting from a picture DJ took in Kenya. Trying to do a whole painting from a photograph is weird for me. I usually exaggerate a bit (or just make stuff up) and "good" photographs are such authoritative representations I usually get intimidated.